Latest Episodes

Honoring Juneteenth with Rasool Berry
What is Juneteenth for? Can only Black people celebrate it? In this interview with Rasool Berry, he explains the history of Juneteenth and addresses...

Ben Cremer: Repentant Pastors for Change in The Church
There’s no question that many pastors in “White, Evangelical America” need to repent. But what about the ones not caught up in scandal or...

Connecting Generations with Antwuan Malone
Generation gaps are real, not just in age but in thought, motivation, belief and lived experience. If we want to have multi-generational churches that...

Mary Van Geffen: Parenting the Spicy Ones
In Mary’s words, this episode is “A spicy one interviewing the coach of spicy ones.” Parenting coach Mary Van Geffen shares her expertise on...

Sara Billups: Orphaned Believers
If you grew up with a combination of TGIF, See You At The Pole, the Left Behind Series, Casey Kasem’s Top 40, Veggie Tales...

Why Am I Like This? with Kobe Campbell
Why Am I Like This?: How to Break Cycles, Heal your Trauma & Restore your Faith If you’ve ever wished someone could respond to...