You’ve seen him running around but let us introduce you to him - it’s Pastor Mike! He helps Mosaic function as it does but did you know that THIS Mosaic wasn’t his original plan? Mike came to Charlotte to start his OWN Mosaic Church and he tells the whole story in this episode. It’s unrelated to him being arrested but that story’s in here, too!
Predictable Success by Les McKeown
Journey Radio
Kristin on IG: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on TikTok: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on FB: @turningthegem
Mike on IG: @mikesmithnc
Mike on FB: @mikesmith
People can change, even the difficult ones. This is a fundamental belief of Shannan Martin, mostly because of the changes she’s seen in her...
Kayla Craig has a way with words that brings freedom and peace into even the most traumatic situations. Maybe it’s her journalism background, maybe...
She goes to seminary so you don't have to! Monica Ritchie explains "hermeneutics" and helps us to better understand the Bible...because it's not as...