“Does God love boys more than girls?” This was the question that got it all started and sent Mariko Clark on a mission to create a more inclusive children’s story Bible. The Book of Belonging - which is still being written! - doesn’t change the Bible but it does contain more female-centric stories, a brown Jesus and representation of people with all range of skin tones, ability, body shape and size.
Written with mystery, wonder and mindfulness, The Book of Belonging leans less on morality lessons and more on helping kids understand their identity in Christ.
This episode is for any and everyone whose life includes a child they love so share this with parents, grandparents, educators, kids’ ministry volunteers and pastors!
The Book of Belonging
Sample chapter from The Book of Belonging
Join the Waitlist
Rachel Eleanor’s work
The practice of Daily Examen
Jesus Fishing for Men: Matthew 4
Sarah and Hagar: Genesis 16
Mariko on IG: @marikoclark
Kristin on IG: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on TikTok: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on FB: @turningthegem
Kayla Craig has a way with words that brings freedom and peace into even the most traumatic situations. Maybe it’s her journalism background, maybe...
The resource list for this episode may be nearly as long as the Bible itself! Kristin and Ashley nerd out on Bible translations, perspectives,...
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