This episode for anyone trying to use social media for networking, influence, purpose and the kingdom. Cassandra and Brittany met through Instagram then ended up co-authoring the book Her True Worth but they know it doesn't always work out that way. Kristin asks the question "Yeah, must be nice, but what about the rest of us?" for anyone feeling discouraged. If you're putting in the work, pumping out content and can't seem to get noticed, this episode has practicals as well as inspiration to remind you where your true value comes from.
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James 1:24
Matthew 25:23
Hebrews 6:10
Isaiah 1:17
Her True Worth website
Her True Worth: Breaking free from a culture of selfies, side hustles, and people pleasing to embrace your true identity in Christ
Cass on IG: @cassandralspeer
Brittany on IG: @brittmaher
Kristin on IG: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on TikTok: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on FB: @turningthegem
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