This is a conversation on the overturning of the Roe v Wade legislation on abortion. If pregnancy, abortion or sexual trauma are tender spots for you, feel free to skip this episode. Our goal is not to persuade you into choosing a side.
Our hope is that, in modeling how to have a nuanced conversation around a complex and personal topic, you will better understand how to engage with other people who may not agree with you. If you find it helpful, please share this episode.
Rich Villodas
PEW research
Kristin’s response
The PUMP Act
Cross Culture Christian’s video on choice
Bri McKoy’s post
Kristin on IG: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on TikTok: @kristinmockleryoung
Kristin on FB: @turningthegem
Ashley on IG: @ashleyfazal
Ashley on FB: @ashley.fazal
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