Latest Episodes

Sharon Hodde Miller: The Cost of Control
Breaking News: *everyone* has control issues, even authors who write about control. Sharon helps us find freedom in understanding that the desire to have...

Get to know Kristin
Kristin moved to the hot seat for the wrap up of our Summer Staff Series. She’s the only person to reveal something surprising about...

Get to know Mike
You’ve seen him running around but let us introduce you to him - it’s Pastor Mike! He helps Mosaic function as it does but...

Get to know Ashley
As we continue getting to know the Mosaic staff, Ashley explains her role as the Pastor of (Pick a Ministry) in this season. You’ll...

Get to know Naeem
It’s summer and we’re shaking up the podcast by bringing on the Mosaic staff. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it’s like behind...

Overturning of Roe v Wade
*DISCLAIMER*This is a conversation on the overturning of the Roe v Wade legislation on abortion. If pregnancy, abortion or sexual trauma are tender spots...