Latest Episodes
Jami Nato: This Must Be the Place
With her appeal and humor spanning the range of middle school to middle age, everyone will feel seen in this episode with Jami Nato....
Ashlee Eiland: Say Good
Pick a recent news headline and the chances are, you have feelings about it. There’s someone in your life that you’re struggling to love...
Shannan Martin: People Can Change
People can change, even the difficult ones. This is a fundamental belief of Shannan Martin, mostly because of the changes she’s seen in her...
Molly Stillman: If I Don’t Laugh, I’ll Cry
Humor and loss can coexist and Molly Stillman’s life shows us how in her memoir If I Don’t Laugh, I’ll Cry. After losing her...
Bri Strensrud: Start with Welcome
There are easy conversations. Then there are conversations you never thought you could have due to a lack of knowledge, information or understanding. Bri...
Rich Villodas: Leading in Tension
Diversity leads to disagreement, which leads to division. This is why it’s so much easier to go through life with people who look like,...