Latest Episodes

Shannan Martin: People Can Change
People can change, even the difficult ones. This is a fundamental belief of Shannan Martin, mostly because of the changes she’s seen in her...

Molly Stillman: If I Don’t Laugh, I’ll Cry
Humor and loss can coexist and Molly Stillman’s life shows us how in her memoir If I Don’t Laugh, I’ll Cry. After losing her...

Bri Strensrud: Start with Welcome
There are easy conversations. Then there are conversations you never thought you could have due to a lack of knowledge, information or understanding. Bri...

Rich Villodas: Leading in Tension
Diversity leads to disagreement, which leads to division. This is why it’s so much easier to go through life with people who look like,...

Dorina Gilmore: Breathing Through Grief
Grief often brings up heavy feelings of sadness and pain but this conversation is filled with hope and restoration. If you are living with...

Kristen LaValley: Even if He Doesn’t
“Let Your Husband Love You” may have been the first words that drew attention to Kristen LaValley’s work, but she wants it to be...